Monday, October 30, 2006

Can Drinking Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Can Drinking Green Tea Help You Lose Weight?

Recent studies show that green tea can help greatly in the process of losing weight. It does it by increasing the body's metabolism. If consumed regularly, it can help you burn as much as eighty calories extra. In a year, that’s about 8 pounds; you lose that much just by drinking, even without diet and exercise.

To further enlighten you as to how green tea works, read on below:

1. Green tea slows down the absorption of fats and regulates glucose. The same substance, cathechin polyphenol, restrains the transition of glucose into fats. By doing that, experts believe that green tea is an effective glucose regulator. It effectively prevents insulin spikes and slows the rise of blood sugar after every meal. Insulin, as specialists agreed upon, promotes the storage of fats as it deals with the body’s blood sugar.

2. Green tea has the ability to reduce appetite. Because green teas have regulating effects on the blood sugar, people who drink it are observed to eat food as much as 60 percent lesser than usual. This particular hypothesis was proven when green tea was injected into laboratory rats for experimentation. Researchers believe that it has the same effects on humans.

3. Green tea is a good alternative to coffee. If you drink tea instead of coffee in the morning or throughout the day, your body gets fewer calories in the long run. The sugar and the cream included in your daily cappuccinos add inches and bulges to the waistline. But with green tea, instead of accumulating fats, you are actually reducing its build up.

4. Green tea affects the bodily systems positively. A parallel research about green tea brings forward its overall effects in the body. The systems benefiting from it include cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, urogenital, immune, lymphatic, and musculoskelatal systems. With this, green tea shows to have a very broad effect on the body. Only a few types of food can boast of this characteristic.

To learn more tips on burning fat naturally, please go to

Friday, October 27, 2006

Green Tea Diet For Weight Loss

Green Tea has a long history, but I am sure everyone is aware of it, and is already bored to death reading about it. That’s why I will skip the past and go to present days. I will keep only the Chinese people’s green tea experience for later on in my article.
What is Green Tea Diet?
A Green Tea Diet is the regular intake of green tea. You may take green tea as a drink, pill or weight loss patch.
Health benefits of Green Tea Diet
Although green tea has been used for more than 4000 years in China for treating a wide variety of ailments, I will list some recent medical and scientific researches into the health benefits of green tea diet in short:
+ anti aging effect+ refreshing effect+ lowers high cholesterol levels+ lowers blood sugar level+ promotes dental health
Clinical tests have shown that Green Tea:
+ prevents cancer by inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells and killing existing ones+ lowers high blood pressure and prevents hypertension+ lowers risk of atherosclerosis+ protects the heart and prevents cardiovascular disease+ thins blood and prevents thrombosis, which is one of the causes of heart attacks and stroke
Green Tea Diet also helps you:
+ protect against Alzheimer's disease+ prevent rheumatoid arthritis+ improve insulin sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes+ improve immune system defenses to fight against viruses (such as flu)+ promotes dental health
What makes green tea diet so special?
It’s all about the great antioxidant effect of the green tea extract. Green tea extract is one of the best natural antioxidants with extremely powerful and potent antioxidant components. Green tea takes 5th place in the list of the best antioxidants.
The antioxidant effect of green tea extract is due to the green tea flavonoid polyphenols (also called bioflavonoids) that protect your body sells from the damaging free radicals. Those free radicals are result from metabolism and have bad oxidative effect that can seriously damage your body cells.
The super antioxidant - Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)
The polyphenols EGCG antioxidant is the most powerful compound of green tea extract. It is 100 times more potent antioxidant than Vitamin C and E.
Clinical tests have shown that EGCG inhibits the growth of new cancer cells and kills some existing ones without damaging the normal cells. EGCG also may prevent thrombosis, which is one of the causes of heart attacks and stroke.
Green Tea weight loss
To get rid of fat you either need to lower you food intake (follow a diet plan), or increase your energy expenditure (do exercising).
The green tea weight loss effect is due to the EGCG antioxidant that increases energy expenditure and accelerates fat burning. That makes Green Tea Diet a very smart choice for all people who hate strict dieting, or are tired of starving, or everyday exercising.
Green tea weight loss diet is a great way for everyone to lose weight easily and naturally, without any negative side effects.
For more information visit our blog. There you will find even more information about green tea at

Green Tea Diet For Weight Loss

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Green Tea Weight Loss: Hollywood's Favorite

Green Tea Weight Loss: Hollywood's Favorite

Weight loss is a big deal to a good many people in the world and that is not more evident than to the people in Hollywood. There is no secret that people in Hollywood worry about being thin and some of the them will go to extreme measures to make sure that they stay that way.
Of course there is always something new coming down the pike for this type of thing and that is evident with the green tea weight loss theory. This has become one of the most popular weight loss solutions in Hollywood and the other parts of the world. This is due in part to the supposed medicinal properties that green tea holds and the many benefits of drinking it. There is a lot of research that supports this theory but just like everything else there is a lot that looks to shoot it down.
Green tea weight loss depends on the persons desire to drink green tea. The research shows that green tea weight loss works by the lowering or maintaining of blood sugar during the meal times. This means that the body is not creating the products that create fat as readily as it normally would when the green tea is being ingested. Of course this all means very little if you do not have a healthy diet to start with. You should take this to heart when trying this green tea weight loss plan as it works only with the proper food intake and that means a big life style change for many of the people involved.
Green tea weight loss is catching on all over the world and mostly because of the popularity of the product itself. Many people are turning to green tea because it offers a much better and less bitter taste than its siblings. It is also said to be great for a whole host of ailments that come down and that is all not quite proven as of yet. The green tea is said to help ease the stomach problems that a lot of people have and that means that it is flying off the shelves every where you turn.
Green tea weight loss depends on a good many things and you should ask your doctor before undertaking such a plan. There are a good many reasons to drink this substance but it is better to be safe than sorry.
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Click here for more information about green tea, green tea weight loss and benefits of green tea.